Although it is considered very dangerous now, asbestos was regularly used in homes many years ago. It was used to create many household materials, including insulation, ceiling tiles, floor tiles, and siding. Unfortunately, your home may have asbestos siding and it can be very dangerous. You need to make sure that the material is dealt with safely. The best way to do that is by depending on the experts at Asbestos Removal CT.
Wondering If Your Home Contains Asbestos Siding?
At some point, you may become concerned that your home has asbestos. You must remember that asbestos was used to create many construction materials. It is hard to determine whether your siding contains asbestos unless you get it professionally tested. It is typically best to employ a reputable professional right away. With their assistance, you can determine whether your home contains this harmful material. It was popular at one time because it was a good insulator, it was easy to clean, and it was fireproof.
Nevertheless, asbestos is dangerous so the material is no longer used in homes. Any home that was constructed or remodeled sometime before the middle of the 1980s will be likely to contain asbestos unless the material was previously removed. If you live in this type of home, be sure to hire a professional to test it right away. We are here to help. Asbestos Removal CT can be reached right now. Call our office to get help.
Encapsulating Or Removing Asbestos
When you find out that your siding contains asbestos, you’ll have two options. You can hire a professional to remove the material or you can try encapsulating it. In general, asbestos siding is not dangerous when it is not disturbed. It won’t become a problem until someone tampers with it. If someone breaks the material, the asbestos spores will enter the air. People will begin breathing in those spores and the risks will be astronomical. Encapsulating it ensures that the asbestos doesn’t get damaged and the spores don’t get released.
Whether you decide to remove the asbestos or encapsulate it, you should hire a professional. Either option can be dangerous so you don’t want to expose yourself to the dangers involved.
Removing Asbestos Siding Safely
One option is to remove the asbestos siding entirely. Doing so will prove to be wise because you’ll no longer have to worry about it. If you encapsulate the asbestos, it will always be there. You’ll always have to think about it and the risks involved. Therefore, it might be better to get rid of it. Doing so will put your mind at ease and help increase the value of your home. Just remember that asbestos removal is a dangerous endeavor. If you’re going to remove it, you should hire a qualified professional in your area.
Asbestos Removal CT is always eager to help locals deal with such problems. We’ll make sure that our workers follow all OSHA regulations to keep everyone safe. Call to find out more about the things we’re going to do to protect you.
Sealing The Asbestos Siding
Alternatively, you can consider sealing the siding. Doing so will make sure that it doesn’t get damaged in the future. Instead, it’ll be covered by another material to protect it from damage. This should stop the spores from being released. Depending on the condition of the siding, it might be essential to repair it first. The process requires the professional to start by cleaning the material. Then, it will be treated using a sealant that ensures the fibers do not get released. Once this step is completed, the professional will find something that can be used to cover the asbestos siding.
While there are other options, it is common to use vinyl siding and insulation panels. Aluminum tends to be a popular choice as well. Once the asbestos siding has been encapsulated, the fibers will be less likely to break free. Whether you’re dealing with a major or minor problem, you should never attempt to fix it on your own. Instead, let a professional aid you. You don’t want to develop a life-threatening illness because you tinkered with this dangerous material.
Our company provides reliable asbestos removal and encapsulation services. We can take care of this for you promptly.
Contact Asbestos Removal CT Right Now
If you’re worried about having asbestos siding, you should do something about it. Start by calling our office so we can test the material for you. If it turns out to be asbestos, we can help you find out which solution is best for you.