Asbestos Testing

Asbestos was once a substance utilized in the manufacturing of roofing, boating, painting, flooring, and ceiling materials. It was not until the late 1970s that the Environmental Protection Agency “EPA” began to ban asbestos in the manufacturing industry. The asbestos fibers were replaced by cellulose fibers.

Asbestos’ unique properties make it a dangerous substance. The slightest exposure can result in respiratory disease. The tiny fibers enter the lungs through the nose and mouth. Inside the body, the fibers travel to the lungs and/or abdomen. The fibers can detach themselves to the lining of the abdomen and lungs. If the fibers are not dislodged from the lungs, the end result is guaranteed to be mesothelioma.

  • Certified asbestos removal
  • Certified asbestos testing
  • State-certified asbestos contractors
  • Locally owned and operated company

How Does Asbestos Testing Work?

Asbestos testing is conducted by our certified contractors. Testing for asbestos is broken down into steps, starting with the inspection. A contractor inspects the home to collect valuable evidence to help identify all asbestos materials. Samples are then collected and sent to a certified laboratory. The results can take up to three weeks or longer to come back.

The results show the percentage of asbestos, chrysotile, vermiculite, cellulose, and other non-fibrous materials in each sample. The percentage of each material ranges between zero and 100.

Asbestos Removal Of Building Materials

The contractor works with the client to determine the best asbestos removal strategy. All homes built before 1980 should be tested for asbestos. After 1980, building materials are not made of asbestos. Getting your home tested before restoration, upgrades, repairs, and reconstruction.

We recommend a free asbestos inspection for your home. It can take between 24 and 48 hours to process your inspection request. A trained customer support personnel will contact you to set up an appointment for the inspection. On the day of the inspection, a trained technician will be dispatched to your home. The inspection can take between two and six hours to complete, depending on the size of your home.

Should Asbestos Testing Be Conducted When Buying A Home?

Yes, but only for homes built before 1980. Some home lenders require asbestos testing to protect their clients’ best interests. Your real estate agent will handle the asbestos testing. In some cases, the seller may be responsible. Whatever the case may be, all buyers should request homes older than 1980 be tested for asbestos.

An asbestos test can tell you a lot about a home. It shows the buyer if the home still has asbestos. Why is this information important? It could mean special measures must be taken before future home improvement and repair projects.

Our asbestos contractors are available Monday through Friday and on some weekends. We offer custom asbestos removal strategies for all property owners.

Our asbestos testing follows the state guidelines. We heed the EPA recommendations to ensure the most accurate results. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact our local office. We will put you in contact with an asbestos expert.

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