How Long Can Asbestos Fiber Lingers In The Air?

Asbestos is a dangerous material that can cause serious health issues. When someone is exposed to this material, they’re likely going to get sick. Long-term exposure is even worse. Therefore, it is never wise to live in a home that has asbestos fibers in the atmosphere. If you do, you’re going to continue inhaling these fibers until you develop cancer or asbestosis. How long can asbestos fibers stay in the air? Unfortunately, this question isn’t easy to answer. It depends on several circumstances. In fact, there usually isn’t an exact answer. Asbestos fibers can float in the air for a few days, but they can stay in the air for even longer in some situations. It often depends on several factors including the location of the material and how frequently it is disturbed. Working with a licensed asbestos abatement professional is the best way to find out if you have asbestos in your home. If you do, you should do something about it. If the asbestos fibers have already entered the air, it is wise to move out of the residence until something can be done about it. We recommend calling Asbestos Removal CT because our professionals are ready to begin working hard for you. We can send a squad of professionals to your residence promptly.

Duration Asbestos Lingers In The Air

Once asbestos has been disturbed, the fibers are going to seep into the air. Once this happens, the risks are very high. You are likely going to breathe in these fibers. After weeks or months of doing this, there is a serious risk that you’re going to develop a deadly illness. Suffice to say, you need to do something about the problem before this happens. It is common for asbestos fibers to linger in the air for up to 72 hours. On the other hand, they can dissipate within 48 hours in some situations. When there is a breeze in the home, the fibers can float in the air for longer. For instance, you might use a fan in your home or your HVAC system might be on. If so, the fibers are going to stay afloat for several more days. It doesn’t take much effort to cause asbestos fibers to enter the air. Whether you break a tile or touch a piece of asbestos insulation, you are likely going to release the fibers. Asbestos fibers cannot be spotted with the naked eye. Therefore, it is hard to determine how long the fibers will remain in the atmosphere. The best way to determine whether you’re living with asbestos is by having your home tested. A professional can use testing to determine the source of the problem. In addition to this, they’ll be able to test the home to find out whether the air contains asbestos fibers. Until then, you should familiarize yourself with the primary risks linked to asbestos.

Being Exposed To Asbestos Is Dangerous

Whether you’re being exposed to asbestos for a day, months, or years, you must remember that the risks are immense. It is never wise to knowingly expose yourself to asbestos unless you’re wearing protective gear. Make sure that you’re wearing a mask to avoid inhaling these dangerous fibers. On the other hand, you can rest assured knowing that short periods of exposure usually don’t lead to disease. Individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma and lung disease were exposed to the material for a long time. They also have repeated exposure. One thing to remember is that exposure can add up. If you enter a building with asbestos every few weeks, the fibers in your lungs are going to accumulate. Before long, you’re going to start experiencing problems. The material is not impacted by a human’s natural defenses. As the fibers build up in the system, the risks are going to increase. If you’re worried that your home may contain asbestos, you should find out. Get your home tested so you can find out what is going on. If asbestos is found in your residence, you should move elsewhere. Once asbestos enters the air, the risks are high. Protect yourself by moving out while a professional can take care of the problem for you.

Get In Touch With The Experts At Asbestos Removal CT

Homeowners cannot ignore the risks linked to asbestos. You may not realize that you’re living with this toxic material until it is too late. Therefore, you should begin taking steps to do something about it. We recommend calling a professional promptly. Once you’ve called us, we’ll make sure a team of specialists reaches your home swiftly. Since asbestos is so dangerous, we’ll try to work as quickly as possible. Upon our arrival, we’ll begin testing your home for asbestos. We can test the air and specific materials. Just remember that it may take a few days for the lab to test the materials. We can also remove asbestos for you.

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